To support UNICEF’s lifesaving work for children in Syria, the Balmain community are invited to come together this June to join the Syrian Supper. Hosted at St John’s Hall in Birchgrove, the dinner, held on Saturday 23 June from 6pm to 8pm, is part of a month-long, nationwide fundraising initiative, #CookForSyria, in aid of UNICEFAustralia’s Syria Crisis Appeal for Children. St John's Balmain will create a memorable and fun family-style feast. Everyone is invited to bring along a Syrian inspired meal, as well as accepting any donations from nearby restaurants and cafes, for the evening. For those that just wish to come along, everyone is welcome, with $15 for dinner and all funds going to Unicef. You can also donate through: More information is from the UNICEF Australia site. For more information about the #cookforsyria campaign globally, see below:
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August 2021